Monday, October 29, 2012

Ubuntu USB WiMAX driver make



How to install YES USB WiMAX Modem (GCT Semiconductor) in Ubuntu

I had some difficulties installing a GCT Semiconductor WiMAX (model GDM 7205) USB dongle from YES mobile Malaysia. However in the end I got it to work (but not via the gnome-nettool).

Essentially I built the driver (from here However I also needed to patch the WPA supplicant, patch the driver, fix a missing header in dbus, and install several dependencies. Here is the log of what I covered.

# check the device


# You should see Bus 00X Device 00X: ID 1076:7f00 GCT Semiconductor, Inc.

#Install Dependencies

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libssl-dev patch libusb-1.0-0-dev libdbus-1-dev

# Create a Working Directory & Download the files you need, WiMAX,
WPA_Supplicant, PATCH
mkdir ~/Wimax
cd Wimax

#fix DBUS missing file

sudo cp\?h\=dbus-1.0-branch /usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus/dbus-arch-deps.h

#Extract patch and build the WPA supplicant

tar xf wpa_supplicant-0.7.3.tar.gz
cd wpa_supplicant-0.7.3
patch -p1 < ~/Wimax/wpa_supplicant-0.7.2-generate-libeap-peer.patch
make -C src/eap_peer
sudo make -C src/eap_peer install
sudo ldconfig

#Extract patch and build the gctwimax driver

cd ~/Wimax
tar xf gctwimax-0.0.3rc4.tar.gz
cd gctwimax-0.0.3rc4
patch -p1 < ~/Wimax/gctwimax-0.0.3rc4_libusb_context_fix.patch

# to make without dbus uncomment the next line remove the CFLAGS option

sudo make install

# Edit your configuration file

# for Yes change the following lines

# use_nv=0, #anonymous_identity="",

# make certain the login name is correct as its case sensitive

# for other networks refer to the comments in the gctwimax.config file

sudo gedit /usr/share/gctwimax/gctwimax.conf

#test your login (normal and daemon mode)

sudo gctwimax -C /usr/share/gctwimax/gctwimax.conf
sudo gctwimax -C /usr/share/gctwimax/gctwimax.conf -d

If you got problem browsing the web, (always redirect to the yes website for device authentication), just edit your /usr/share/gctwimax/gctwimax.conf. Find the line with use_nv=1 and change the value to 0.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Revert to Stock Rom from Cyanogen Mod!

My Galaxy 5 running on Android Cyonagen Mod for a few days. And it run smoothly. But after a week i got problem with the battery. Mybe my phone is not compitable with Cyanogen Mod rom. So i have revert the rom from Cyanogen to Stock rom. Here is the steps to to flash your phone back to Stock Rom from Cyanogen Mod.

First you need to have the following:-

1. USB Cable (that came with your Galaxy Handset)
2. Odin Downloaderv4.38 and ops file (download here)
3. Stock Firmware (Multipackage) (download here)
4. Windows PC

While downgrading from Cyanogen Mod, you will need a Multipackage of the preferred firmware, because One Package files cannot convert the filesystem from EXT to RFS, which might mess the bootloader! Some have found the One Package working because they restored to the Factory Settings after the Flashing procedure, but to be on the safe side use Multipackage.
Note - Most of the firmwares downloaded from are One Package.

Before continuing, make sure that you have the device's drivers installed in the Computer. Installing KIES before flashing the phone will do the job.

Now, follow these steps:-

1. Extract the files you have downloaded..password -

2. Open ODIN and unchecked the One Package option also EFS and One Package Fields should be left as such and make sure that the Auto Reboot and Protect OPS option are checked.

3. Add the files that we have extract earlier...see the image below

  1. Add EUROPA_v1.0.ops to the OPS field.
  2. Add I5503DXJG5_BOOTLOADER.tar.md5 to the BOOT field
  3. Add I5503DXJG5_amss_phone_CL464028.tar.md5 to PHONE field..
  4. Add I5503DXJG5_PDA_CL464028.tar.md5 to PDA field.
  5. Add I5503OLBJG4_CSC_SEA_CL.tar.md5 to CSC field.
Note: Unchecked the One Package option also EFS and One Package Fields should be left as such and make sure that the Auto Reboot and Protect OPS option are checked.

4. Shut down your phone.

5. Press and hold the Power Button, Volume Down and the Central Home Button at the same time until you get a screen with Downloading... on it.

6. Connect your Phone to your Computer via USB. Now, one of the rectangular boxes below COM Port Mapping will turn yellow. If not, then reinstall the Phone's drivers and try again.

7. Now, click Checksum Fail or Start (depending on what shows on your Computer)

8. Wait for some time, until the box above the rectangular section which turned Yellow becomes Blue and shows PASS.

Now, your phone is back to stock firmware!!

Refrence from here.